What to Look For in a Board Portal Solution

A board portal solution is a set of digital tools which bring all stakeholders into the board. These tools help to collaborate decrease administrative burden and enhance the monitoring of governance. This enables the board to take better decisions quicker and be in...

The Role of Corporate Software

The role of corporate software has become more prominent than it ever was. Many companies are beginning to realize that, regardless of what they produce or sell, they’re essentially software companies. They’re leveraging technology to improve employee...

The Importance of a Business Meeting

A business meeting is a face-toface meeting where teams talk about business issues and work together on solutions. It is an important part of any successful business as it ensures that everyone is on the same page and that they can effectively communicate. It also...

How to Facilitate a Successful Virtual Meeting

Virtual Meeting is an online collaboration tool that enables users to participate in video conferences with other participants at different locations. When they’re discussing a brand new project or brainstorming, the meeting keeps them focused and productive....